It’s so funny, how we don’t talk anymore

We don't talk anymore

It’s so funny, how we don’t talk anymore

People occasionally ask, why can’t we contact you by telephone? You can! But there are far more effective ways and means of communicating with us. For several years, we did work via telephone and mobile out of hours, there was always someone available to talk with you. However, over time we realised this was prone to error and misunderstanding and even with message recording, it proved to be unsatisfactory.

After a long period of testing and assessing, we eventually found that text and e-mail provided certainty and transparency for all communications with no room for confusion and argument over who said what and when – it’s a two-way street that benefits both parties. Any question which requires an answer is logged and can be tracked and followed up – in other words there is always an audit trail for everyone. If we forget to deal with e message in a telephone call (we understand that we could be at fault as much as anyone else, so it benefits us as well as everyone else). Everybody wins.

We don’t plan on using chatbots or A.I. as these are a cheap and easy way of ignoring people’s concerns. We will always respond to contacts. that is what we’re here for.

Our staff work through our networked system so all our team can log in at any time and see what is required BUT they cannot telephone for GDPR so that all communications are via our system and any details are secure. Staff are not allowed to give out or provide their personal telephone numbers for security purposes. Details of our privacy policy are attached.

We are moving to automating our system to allow faster and seamless contact BUT there will not (as stated be any A.I. nonsense. Did we mention we don’t think much of A.I? We prefer people to people.


Whatever your requirements, Locum, permanent, pharmacist, technician, dispenser, assistant, we can help. Contact us.