Fifth of pharmacies warn May Pharmacy First threshold increase ‘unachievable’
FIVE! 1 +1 +1+1+1 = 5.
Not achievable!? One a week plus one more in a month, to claim £1 000 additional payment (in addition to payments due for each completed consultation) . Yes, the monthly threshold will increase, but if you can’t do 5, what is going on?
Much has been made about changing the Supervision regulations to free up pharmacists time. Wrong answer to the right question. Instead of grumbling that funding is not adequate to provide the service, why not employ another pharmacist to carry out these consultations? Two pharmacists per pharmacy should ensure all obligations and demands are satisfied – those offering this option will surely do well at the expense of those who do not. We asked all locums working through us early on, if they would be offering the services. All said YES, as did all clients.
Who is deciding that 5 a month is not achievable? Answers on a post card please.
Chemist & Druggist article from 24th April referencing this in the link below;
If you need someone to help you achieve these numbers, perhaps we can provide a suitable locum or part/full time Pharmacist for you? Contact us for support. Community Pharmacy England (CPE) say they are concerned about pharmacists ability to meet the thresholds. Didn’t CPE agree to the introduction, knowing NHS England hadn’t met the I.T. requirements. Surely this should have been thought through?
Get your numbers up and attract more patients with your service where others are not doing so, and get paid for it. Or is the problem in the image we have picked – the lady does not look too welcoming, does she?