So you want to be a locum?

So you want to be a locum?

So you want to be a locum?

Pharmacist/Technician/Dispenser/Nurse (Ignore what does not apply)


The first steps that you need to complete are to decide how you set yourself up for work and which sector you wish to work in e.g. hospital, surgery, community etc.  For some initial guidance please refer to our earlier post

Who, or what is a locum?

Who, or what is a locum?


Most people choose to work in a self-employed capacity, but there are pitfalls to this , as explained in the previous post. Alternatives include forming a limited company, for which we advise seeking professional assistance. We can offer some guidance to help if required. Please Contact Us.

If you wish to go down the self-employed route, you will need to register with H.M.R.C. and obtain from them a U.T.R. (Unique Tax Reference) which companies use to verify your tax status and enables them not to deduct tax and National Insurance from your invoice for services provided. H.M.R.C. will send you a self assessment to enable them to determine how much tax you owe to them from the earnings you accrue from working. This is usually paid annually. You will need to keep detailed records of income and expenditure to agree how much H.M.R.C. will demand from you in tax owed. Interest is charged on any sum not paid on time, so you will need to be diligent and prepared.


The following link explains a little more about this

When you register with us for work, this is one of many things we will ask you to provide*

  • Our existing Registration pages are being reviewed and improved. Once this is complete we will update details, but in the interim, we will request what information we need upon receiving your registration request.

If you have any queries relating to this post or any other post, please Contact Us and we will try our best to help.